What is the core of the bar sound engineering design, how to create the ultimate experience of stage sound

With the popularization of nightlife entertainment, many people fall in love with bars. Now the stage sound engineering of bars is very common. Bar sound engineering needs to be technical and more artistic. How to experience the ultimate stage on the bar? What is the core content? The following Beilarly manufacturers will take you to understand.

Bar nightlife form and order

Due to the particularity of the bar, the image of the bar at night almost completely depends on the interaction of stage lighting and stage sound. Therefore, the bar project has extremely high requirements for the visual form and sound order of the bar lighting. The initial positioning of the bar project is often focused on light vision. The artistic layout is also matched with high-quality sounds suitable for the layout of the bar space.

The bar project plan should make full use of the characteristics of the venue space, select and organize the stage, lighting elements such as points, lines, and surfaces, and use the sound quality and rhythm of the stage to highlight the key points, fully express the theme elements of the bar, and the customer experience in the bar is more comfortable and release mood.

Bar stage sound emphasis

"When designing a modern environment in a bar, you must fully understand the importance of sound to people. In fact, in the area of unconscious attention, people always first hear the sound they hear." The sound of the bar is expressed by stage sound, stage The differentiation of sound is shaped by humans, and the technology of different manufacturers and manufacturing processes. The difference in raw materials will lead to different audio quality. Therefore, Beilarly recommends that the owner of the bar should not try to choose a small manufacturer ’s audio, and must choose a brand like Beilarly that has more than 20 years of professional audio equipment manufacturing.

How to create the ultimate experience of stage sound

With good-quality stage audio equipment, there must also be a master who controls the audio equipment and creates a lighting atmosphere that meets the needs of the situation. Appropriate combination of stage sound and lighting will greatly help the bar theme scene expression, the most important thing is to create the ultimate customer experience.

The above is an introduction to the core content of the bar sound engineering plan design. The bar sound engineering plan must not only meet the functional requirements of the project, but also meet the social trend. It must be suitable for the current situation and suitable for development. And control management technology, to achieve scientific and efficient use of stage lighting and sound.

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